1818   MV:瑞典(Sweden)前卫死亡金属/前卫摇滚(Progressive Death Metal / Progressive Rock)乐团 Opeth 单曲《Eternal Rains Will Come》音乐视频【歌词】

Eternal rains will come
We should say goodbye
And suffer on our own
As all our thoughts were wrong

So hard to keep the darkness from seeping through
And when the flood comes to drown us
There is nothing we can do

You told me not to wait
Unless I could wait forever
Because there is no time for us
Take comfort in what was

So hard to keep the darkness from seeping through
When the flood comes to drown us
There is nothing we can do

Here it comes, our death comes
And in my sleep I can't forget

Reaching for the surface, I see you

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